This is my CGI computer animation demo reel from 2016. With all the tech
we have now there is no excuse for a poorly produced reel! The're
called "reels" because they were originally on film and creators had to
pay to have copies struck and sent to talent agents or studio hiring chiefs.
Those film reels were then put in a projector and watched. Tedious! Plus
every viewing added scratches.
I came of age in the 1990s in Hollywood
when you had to make dozens of copies of VHS tapes to send to potential
employers. In my case video game and animation studios. I had to pay for
duplication, color copies, postage, shipping and more. Groan! This does
not even count the time and money spent to rent a 3/4" edit bay and produce
the master.
Thank goodness your reel is just a click away on YouTube
and the cost of hosting it NOTHING. You can spend all that saved money making
your reel great. That means: three minutes long, well edited, timed to music
if nescessary, and showing your best/newest work. Hollywood is highly competitive
but most people don't know how it works. A good reel is essential to get
you ahead of them. I can make that happen!